Title : Holistic health and world peace in ayurveda
Holistic Health:
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health science, perceives life, its emergence, evolution, and preservation as a holistic phenomenon. The texts of Ayurveda describe health as a perfect balance and harmony on all levels of life. The theme of Ayurveda is living perfect health, enlightened consciousness, and a long and happy life.
Modern quantum field theories have revealed the Unified Field of all the laws of nature at the basis of all phenomena in creation. Ayurveda locates the source of the wholeness of life in its definition of health—Swasthya—meaning established in one’s pure nature. Vedic Sciences like Ayurveda, Yoga, and Vedanta cognize the unified wholeness of life as the field of pure Consciousness, Atma (Self), or Samadhi.
Violation of Natural Law by the Population is the Root Cause of Collective Diseases, Calamities and Wars — Charaka Charak Samhita, Vimanasthan
Similarly, violation of Natural Law — Adharma, is at the root of wars. Because of increased greed, anger, and ego, some people may start fighting among themselves with killer intentions or start a fight with the enemy. They may attack the enemy or get attacked by the enemy.’ — Charak Samhita, Vimanasthan
Field-effects of Consciousness – Vedic Technology to Create World Peace
Ayurveda has a concept of collective health and harmony in society by creating coherence in collective consciousness. Many conceptions of the field effects of consciousness have been proposed. The most well-developed of these is Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s, which holds that every individual in society, whether stressed or coherent, contributes to collective consciousness. Collective consciousness, in turn, impacts every individual's life, guiding the trends of life in the nation. Twenty-three peer-reviewed studies and about fifty demonstrations have found that when a relatively small proportion of a population practices Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programs in a group, negative trends such as crime, violence, hospital admissions, and fatalities decrease.