Title : Prunus Africana together with Warburgia Ugandensis is the hope for prostate enlargement (PHB)
The incidences of enlarged prostate BPH which results into prostate cancer is very alarming. It is estimated that by the age of 60 at least half of all men worldwide will suffer from enlarged prostate and by the age of 85yrs the percentage goes higher to 90%. And now our Kemetic Institute has come to learn that, with the use of Prunus Africana plus Warbugia Ugandensis bark which is extracted from the stems of these plants does treats and cure enlarged prostate (PBH)in men. After a great deal of trials and clinical investigations, we have come to learn that the combination of prunus Africana (African Cherry) and Warburgia Ugandesis (Ugandan Green heart) treats and cure the enlargement of prostate (PBH). Prunus Africana and Warburgia Ugandensis are tropical trees which have been used as medicine for generations in Africa. Between the years of 2023 and 2024, we treated 40 Ugandan men between the age of 45 to 75 years and the results have been very positive. In a period of two weeks, half of these patients were showing positive signs of urine control, and after one month all patients were showing positive signs of urine control. Today 90% of these men have normal prostate. We use the bark of Prunus plus the bark of Warburgia at a ratio of 9 to 1 that is to say, we make a mixture of 1000gms which is a kg, 900gms should be Prunus bark powder and 100gms should be Warburgia bark powder. The prescriptions should be a tea spoon (5gms) in a quarter liter of boiled water three times a day. This treatment should not exceed two months and if BPH persists a patient should give it an interval of two weeks and then resume taking the medicine. Prunus Africana bark contains phytochemicals such as terpenoids, ursolic acid cleanolic and B-amyrin Warburgia Ugandensis bark contains sesquiterpenes, flavonoids lignanamides, macrocyclic glycosides and fatty acid. A combination of all the phytochemicals mention from the above mixture can suppress in PBH disease, though on the other hand, this mixture has some side effects like causing Nausea and abdominal pain.